On the 3rd and 4th of November 2021, the Final Symposium of the EU-ToxRisk project was held in Brussels, Belgium, and online. The purpose of this event was for the EU-ToxRisk consortium partners to present their results, and to discuss the different strategies and methods developed within the project with external stakeholders.
This meeting was a way for the EU-ToxRisk project to pass the torch to the RISK HUNT3R consortium. and to formally introduce, the ASPIS cluster, which is a collaboration of the H2020 funded projects ONTOX, PrecisionTOX and RISK-HUNT3R.
During the ASPIS Kick-off meeting, which constituted the fourth part of the event, each project was presented as well as the purpose and planned implementation of the ASPIS Cluster. It was an opportunity for cluster members to meet each other in person and to exchange about how the projects can collaborate together.